Moving Towards

A Brighter Future

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Computer Basics with Small Business Marketing

In this course, students earn a DIPLOMA in marketing for small businesses incorporating computer skills. After the program, graduates are prepared for job openings marketing their own small business or administrative positions. This course is also offered in Spanish!

Murrieta Location

Real Estate

The purpose of this DIPLOMA program is to prepare students for entry level careers as transaction coordinator assistants, loan officer assistants, or loan processor assistant; License is not required to work as a transaction coordinators assistant, loan officer assistant, or loan processor assistant.


This course teaches students how to use the basic features of QuickBooks. Topics include opening a company, setting up a chart of accounts, entering checks, accounts receivable, accounts payable, working with customer transactions, vendor transactions, banking with QuickBooks, and generating financial reports. Students must possess basic computer skills prior to enrollment.

Digital Marketing

Students use a range of tools and resources to gain proficiency in campaign development, analytics and reporting, content creation, and digital strategies for a variety of industries and platforms.
Murrieta Location

Security Guard

The mission and purpose of this program is to provide students with the basic training requirements necessary to work as an unarmed security guard within the State of California. This program follows the standards prescribed by section 7583.6 (b) of the Business Professional Code.

Graduation Ceremony Gallery

BPPE Approved


Moviso Academy is an institution, that is approved to operate, meaning compliance with state standards as set forth in the California Private Postsecondary Act of 2009 and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. You can find out more about this approval and other information at the website of the Bureau for Private and Post-Secondary Education at



Ernesto Chapman

Thanks to Moviso, I was able to get back that encouragement and self-worth by going through this type of schooling.

Jacqueline Sepulveda De Leon

I am truly happy with Real Estate class. Thank you to my Teachers for making the material easier to understand , also the support you give to us through the entire course. I look forward to my classes, and I can’t wait to take my next step, pass my State exam, be licensed, and start my career as a Realitor. Thank you for my experience. I highly recommend it to any one who is looking for superior Educational Realtor service.

Jesus Jimenez

Many thanks to the school and all its attentive and efficient staff who make up a great team.

Francisca Lopez

With many online Real Estate School options it can be difficult choosing the right one. I am so happy I chose this school! They have made virtual learning an easy experience. I really appreciate our Program Instructor for the wealth of knowledge she shares with the class connecting what we are learning to real life experiences. Additionally, The Academic Coordinator has been excellent in making sure I was prepared for the course and is always readily available to help!  This school has put me on the right path for my future in Real Estate. I am very grateful and looking forward to the beginning of my new career.

Joel Garcia

Hola, mi nombre es Joel Garcia, quiero resaltar las cualidades por sus enseñanzas en el campo de la computación que lo caracterizan por su conocimiento y
paciencia para el aprendizaje de sus pupilos, agradeciéndole siempre por su buena labor siga adelante
enseñando a nuestra comunidad con su buen trabajo.

Maria Elena Gonzalez

Estoy muy contenta con el sistema que tienen,  muy agradecida con el maestro por su paciencia y dedicación y el enfoque que tiene con cada uno de sus alumnos.

Fausta Reyes

Mi nombre es Fausta Reyes. Estoy muy contenta he aprendido mucho, gracias al profesionalismo y paciencia del maestro a que siempre nos motiva para aprender y a
seguir adelante. Gracias a la Escuela.